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The scoring app for Boxing and MMA

Combatscores is a modern and user-friendly scorecard simulator for scoring Boxing and MMA.
Easily score fights and keep a record of your cards with the most advanced and feature-rich scoring app available.

Start scoring your favourite fights today!

Sign up now and start scoring.

It's completely free and always will be.

Community Cards


As well as creating your own scorecards whenever you want, on major fight nights you can also participate in our community cards.

Your scores will be added to the community averages and will have an impact on the final result!

Community Scorecards

How it works

Combatscores is simple: From your dashboard you can easily create new cards in seconds. We'll ask a few basic questions such as your fighters names and whether you're scoring Boxing or MMA, then you can get scoring right away!

When scoring you'll see a card like the image below. As both Boxing and MMA are scored on a 10 point must sytem, each fighter will start a round with ten points, and for each round you simply decrease the points as required. When you're finished scoring a round, just click the padlock icon to lock-in and save your score.

Scoring a fight with the app

If a fight is stopped early, just click the 'Early Stoppage' button. We'll ask how and why the fight was stopped at which point you can declare your winner and end the fight.

Each time you lock in a round, it saves automatically, so you can leave your cards unfinished and come back to them at any time.

Key features

Community cards

On big fight nights we'll open scoring on community cards. For each round you lock-in, your score will be added to the the community totals.

Watch the community total update in real-time as the rest of the community add their scores!

How to score Boxing and MMA

Boxing and MMA scoring systems are similar in many ways but there are a few key differences that you should be aware of. Use our quick guide below to get started scoring MMA and Boxing. Or, for a more detailed guide on each, see Scoring a boxing match and Scoring UFC/MMA.


Boxing and MMA/UFC both use the 10-point must system. This sytem means that for each round, both fighters start with 10 points and points are then deducted accordingly.

Even rounds

Both boxing and MMA can have rounds that result in 10/10 scores, where neither fighter is deducted any points. This happens when the round is judged even.

Point deductions for fouls

Both sports can see fighters deducted points for breaking the rules. The referee will indicate to the judges that a point should be deducted.

General scoring criteria

In both boxing and MMA, judges will look for things such as ring/Cage generalship, aggressiveness, and damaged caused.


One key differnce between how we score Boxing and MMA is the treatment of knockdowns. In boxing, a fighter is always deducted a point for being knocked down. In MMA, you do not automtically deduct a point for a knockdown, instead, you might deduct a point if a fighter is repeatedly knocked down and heavily dominated in a round.

For more detailed guides, see Scoring a boxing match and Scoring UFC/MMA

Let's score!

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